Full view of the room from the entrance, white light + general. The light system is a stage RVB full led device, with low power comsumption : allows all colors and makes white with a mix of RVB.
Blocks on side are giant boxes we use to fold a lot of stuff (and DvDs). All spotlights can be separated to different colors.

What you see from left side, white light + general.
Blue thingies on the floor are Fatboy seats. So, 9 people can watch a movie in here, remaining comfortable.

View when watching screen on middle seat, white light + general.

3 back seats, sono engine, white light + purple.

View from entrance, purple light.

View from entrance, orange light - makes green as the walls are blue.

View from entrance, green light.

View from right seat, blue light.

Sound system from Cabasse MC40 line, air conditionning from Daikin, blue light + general.

Light console and some unsorted DVDs. Sentinels here are Cobra and Pinhead, more to come ! Red light + general.

Back seats, blue and red lights + general.

Back seats, blue lights + general.

Right seat, blue light + general.

And there are the thermians in a movie, from middle back seat : we usually not put lights while watching, but they are designed to make this possible.
Image can be bigger (full screen), depending on the movie original size.

Hope you enjoyed.